Aerostack Gen - 3

Explore the power of AeroStack Gen-3

Portable, modular, and scalable vertical platforms.
Hand assembled - same day installation to operation.

Eliminates the need for closed-loop nutrient delivery systems.

Minimized and distributed catastrophic points of failure.

 Cap & OpEx  Reduction                 

Accommodates most existing growth areas - including greenhouses.

No lifts or catwalks required.

Intensely decreases your energy acquisition, installation and operating costs. 

True vertical chamber stacking allows the highest farm density in practice.

Dramatic increases in productivity for a given area and given energy input.

Non-destructive harvesting keeps your plants producing.

Whether Reallocating or Designing Space,  Why Not Consider a New Way of Thinking with Aerostack 

Aerostack Future

Productive platforms that allow for continued research, development and collaboration. 

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